Beyond. Health and Wellness Magazine July 2016 | Page 22

• • • It allows the USDA to arbitrarily decide what percentage of GMOs in a food item trigger a required GMO label (or bar code). This level could theoretically be set at 50% or even 90%. The proposed law was masterminded by Monsantoinfluenced lawmakers as a way to destroy state GMO labeling laws while falsely claiming to have a “national GMO labeling mandate” that’s pure fraud. Whole Foods CEO Walter Robb fully supports this proposed law, calling it an “incredible thing” that was “accomplished together.” The Whole Foods L IE MACHINE goes into overdrive while betraying its own customers over GMO labeling As is obvious here, Whole Foods own CEO Walter Robb is on the record supporting the GMO fake labeling “compromise” that was pushed through the Senate by Monsanto. This is undeniable. Yet the Whole Foods social media liars and deception artists ridiculously proclaim “There is no truth to these claims. We have always advocated for more transparency in the marketplace...” It’s complete B.S., of course, but that’s what Whole Foods is peddling these days. Remember: This is also the same retailer that trained its managers to lie to the public about GMOs, all while selling protein powders containing alarming levels of toxic heavy metals (and refusing to do anything about it). Whole Foods has a long history of being so deceptive about GMOs that some people now call it Wholesanto. The truth on this is simple: For the last two decades, Whole Foods has been selling unlabeled GMOs, heavy metals and pesticides to health-conscious customers who now demand honest labeling. And now when Monsanto twists the U.S. Senate into advancing a law that would outlaw the existing Vermont GMO labeling law, Whole Foods’ own CEO Walter Robb publicly praises it, followed by the Whole Foods propaganda liars denying any such thing ever happened. Just WOW. 22 The truth about Whole Foods is finally coming out: Pro-Monsanto, anti-labeling and LYING to its own customers at every opportunity Now we finally see the truth come out as Whole Foods joins Monsanto in supporting a GMO labeling bill that would deny consumers the right to know what they’re eating with clear, human-readable labeling. Not only is Whole Foods joining forces with Monsanto to destroy the courageous, pioneering Vermont labeling law, it’s also blatantly lying to its own customers and denying any of this is true. As an investigative journalist and food lab science director, the one thing I’ve learned about Whole Foods over the last few years is that Whole Foods has long abandoned integrity and seeks only profit via deception. In other words, Whole Foods is just like Monsanto. Except that instead of selling poisons to farmers, Whole Foods is selling GMO poisons to the end customer, all while working hard to support a law that would destroy Vermont’s existing GMO labeling law. I think I’m going to write an entire chapter about the lies and deceptions of Whole Foods in my next edition of Food Forensics, coming out in 2017. I’m told the book will not be available at Whole Foods Market stores, for some reason... Source for this article include: The Aspen Institute video: