Berry Street Web Docs Financial Report 2016 | Page 13

p ) Critical Accounting Estimates and Judgments
The Directors evaluate estimates and judgments incorporated into the financial statements based on historical knowledge and best available current information . Estimates assume a reasonable expectation of future events and are based on current trends and economic data , obtained both externally and within the Association .
Key Estimates Impairment
The freehold land and buildings were independently valued in 2014-2015 by Goulburn Valley Property Services , Burnham Corporation , Leader Property Practice and CJA Lee & Associates . The valuations were based on the fair value less cost to sell . The critical assumptions adopted in determining the valuation included the location of the land and buildings , the current strong demand for land and buildings in the area and recent sales data for similar properties . The valuations resulted in a net revaluation increment of $ 325,731 being recognised for the year ended 30 June 2015 .
Key Judgments Available-for-sale investments
The Association maintains a portfolio of securities with a carrying value of $ 33,315,941 ( 2015 : $ 28,235,200 ) at the end of the reporting period . The fair value of the portfolio of securities is monitored on a monthly basis . The Board of Directors do not believe there has been a significant or prolonged decline in the value and hence no impairment has been recognised .
( q ) Economic Dependence
The Association is dependent on the Department of Health & Human Services for the majority of its revenue used to operate the business . At the date of this report the Board of Directors has no reason to believe the Department will not continue to support the Association .
( r ) Business combinations Business combinations occur where an acquirer obtains control over one or more businesses .
A business combination is accounted for by applying the acquisition method , unless it is a combination involving entities or businesses under common control . The business combination will be accounted for from the date that control is attained , whereby the fair value of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities ( including contingent liabilities ) assumed is recognised ( subject to certain limited exceptions ).
All transaction costs incurred in relation to business combinations are recognised as expenses in profit or loss when incurred .
The acquisition of a business may result in the recognition of goodwill or a gain from a bargain purchase .
Goodwill is recognised as an asset and carried at cost less any accumulated impairment losses recognised in accordance with AASB 136 : Impairment of Assets . Any gain from a bargain purchase is recognised in profit or loss in the period in which the business was acquired .
( s ) Non-current assets classified as held for sale
Non-current assets ( and disposal groups ) classified as held for sale are measured at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell . Non-current assets and disposal groups are classified as held for sale if their carrying amount will be recovered through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use . This condition is regarded as met only when the sale is highly probable and the asset ( or disposal group ) is available for immediate sale in its present condition . Management must be committed to the sale which should be expected to qualify for recognition as a completed sale within one year from the date of classification .