Berry Street Web Docs Financial Report 2013 | Page 16

BERRY STREET VICTORIA INC. ABN 24 719 196 762 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2013 2013 2012 $ $ NOTE 3: PROFIT FOR THE YEAR Profit has been determined after: (a) Expenses Employee benefits expense - Salaries and wages - Superannuation 49,756,398 4,054,412 41,922,100 3,317,060 - Workcover Total employee benefits expense 1,172,955 54,983,765 952,795 46,191,955 983 895 Finance costs 160,712 284,316 Doubtful debts expense (15,819) (29,181) Auditor remuneration - Audit services - Other services Total audit remuneration 45,000 15,600 60,600 43,500 16,500 60,000 Number of employees at year end (b) Significant Revenue and Expenses Net gain on disposal of Non Current Assets Property, plant and equipment Proceeds on disposal Disposals at cost Net gain on disposals 2,135,336 (1,660,204) 475,132 Investments Proceeds on disposal Disposals at cost Net loss on disposals 6,278,789 (6,526,652) (247,863) 15 2,213,974 (1,734,752) 479,222 -