Berry Street Web Docs CEO's Report 2010 | Page 20

20 4.4 Leave Liability In 2010 Berry Street identified some key concerns with our leave liabilities. All Directors were required to develop plans for staff with more than 6 weeks leave and most of these have been implemented. We will maintain a strong focus on this in 2011. 4.5 Industrial Relations 4.5.1 Portable Long Service Leave In 2010 we were heavily involved in lobbying the then Labor State Government to ensure that the proposed system to provide portability of Long Service Leave to staff within thte sector was cost effective and workable. Legislation to bring the scheme into effect went through a second reading in Parliament, but then required some changes to federal legislation. In the mean time there was a change of government. Berry Street continues to work with VCOSS and the Centre to ensure we will have a seat at the table in any future review. 4.5.2 Pay Equity In 2010, the Pay Equity case has continued at a slower than expected pace. The original timeframe to have the case heard and decided by the end of 2010 has now seriously slipped as a result of additional time being granted to take submissions. The ASU is now hoping that the decision will come down before the end of July when the new classifications for the Modern Award begin. At present, both the State and Federal Governments have agreed to fund the increases. Berry Street has been asked to join the DHS Working group to determine the true costs associated with the proposed increases. 4.6 Quality Improvement and Accreditation While 2009 was largely characterised as preparing for external audits, we were able to look more strategically at quality improvement through key projects in 2010. The establishment of the internal Quality Risk Working Group and three quality workshops enabled the quality team, relevant Directors and Director of Services to explore ideas of quality, risk and evaluation and undertake the development of an excellence framework for the organization. A draft Quality Framework was developed into a high level document ‘Excellence Framework’, describing our approach to our core services, support services and how results and evaluation ultimately contribute to improving our service to clients. A ‘quality team’ of four staff was established in earnest during 2010, with the appointment of a 0.8 EFT Senior Consultant - Corporate Quality & Risk, and a fulltime Internal Consultant – Practice Quality Improvement. This move was significant in resourcing us to move beyond compliance. We consolidated recommendations and learnings from 2009 audits into an organisational Quality Action Plan and continued to work towards specific recommendations in program areas to support Community Service Organisation Registration, Australian Council on Healthcare Standards and HASS programs.