Berry Street Web Docs CEO's Report 2009 | Page 34

Three Berry Street programs were externally audited against the Homelessness Assistance Service Standards (HASS). Family Violence (North and West region), Transitional Youth Support Service (TYSS – North and West region) and Leaving Care (Hume) were audited on the 2nd and 3rd September. The audit was conducted by QICSA (Quality Improvement and Community Services Accreditation). Berry Street was found to be fully compliant in all areas except one with that requirement now fulfilled. Were assessed as compliant for registration at the BEST Centre by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority. Undertook a comprehensive review the RTO compliance with standards and developed an action plan to improve quality and consistency of RTO operations Supported the FRSP (Family Relationships Services Program) FRSP funded services in Hume (Children‟s Contact Service and Post Separation Cooperative Parenting Program) outlining applicable standards and building capacity to understand approaches to quality improvement 7.4 Heritage and Records Management Our Heritage and Background Information Service (HBIS) supports past clients, family of past clients and others to appropriately access records and information held by Berry Street. In 2009 the total number of new enquiries received was 103 with close to half of these (45) not proceeding beyond the initial enquiry stage. Around 26 enquiries (roughly 25% of the overall total) were from individual care leavers seeking information about their time in care. A further 49 (roughly 50%) might be classified as family history research, being from the offspring, siblings or descendents of clients. In addition, there were 16 which concerned adoption, and were therefore referred to the Adoption and Family Records Service at DHS. Demand for assistance through the service in 2009 was similar to 2008 although has increased markedly in the later part of 2009. The heightened community awareness of the needs of people who have spent time in institutional care following the national apology to Forgotten Australians is seen as the reason for this increase. During 2009 we:Re-wrote a range of policies and procedures relating to the creation, content, accessibility, transport and relocation, archiving and disposal of client records. Commenced work on have the Public Records Office carry out a heritage audit of Berry Street historical and heritage materials. Supported all regions with the assessment, processing and centralised archiving of all dormant past client files. Undertook privacy training through the Office of the Privacy Commissioner. Piloted privacy training for staff in partnership with DHS in preparation for agency wide privacy training in 2010. Responded to subpoena for access to past client information. 7.5 Organisational Forums Membership of these groups ranges across staff levels within the organisation and their meeting method and frequency is determined by each group. Groups consist of: Therapeutic Residential Care; Looking After Children; Quality (CSO Registration; Homelessness; Disability; Take Two); Education; Home Based Care; Residential Care; Residential Managers; and Children‟s Contact Services. 33