Berry Street Web Docs Berry Street School Annual Report 2013 | Page 13

DOMAIN 3: ENGAGEMENT Through concepts in the Engagement domain, as with the entire TIPE Model, student learning is conceived as more than just hands-on engagement. Learning is a continuum moving students from where they are at to where they need to be, particularly helping students learn the academic intervention skills they need for successful pathway attainment. Examples from the Berry Street School: Intervention areas in the engagement domain include working within the principles of flow, understanding individual learning modalities, using positive emotion and positive primer activities, and increasing motivation through healthy play and fun. • Linking the maths ‘problem of the day’ to real-world contexts and connections to vocational pathways Student engagement is a complex interaction of behavioural, affective, and cognitive motivations and competencies. Students give us valuable feedback on what matters to them: active and hands on engagement, vocational relevance, and opportunities for peer collaboration. Our understanding of engagement begins with these important requests. • Leading with relational-engagement and building strong connections between students and the Berry Street School staff • Planning kinaesthetic, visual, and aural learning opportunities • Singing, rapping, and poetry connections to the curriculum • Using digital-media as engagement hooks to academic aims • Ensuring our students continually improve information and communication technology (ICT) skills • Weaving personal narratives, storytelling, and biographies that relate to student experiences • Helping students apply for the Berry Street Positive Memory Bank • Offering continual opportunities for engagement with the community through service projects, workplace visits, and community mentors 13