Berry Street Web Docs Berry Street School Annual Report 2013 | Page 12



Stamina is the next domain in the TIPE Model . Stamina involves sustained effort , perseverance , and resilience . The stamina domain is our opportunity to teach the Berry Street motto : We never give up .
Nurturing stamina is building the muscles of learning , one repetition and one day at a time . At the Berry Street School , we know that our students have not had opportunities to grow the explicit skills they need to complete academic work in an independent and sustained way . As students build the self-regulatory skills for learning , a focus on stamina acknowledges that students need scaffolded opportunities to build their capacities minute by minute . For example , we build students ’ ability to read independently by working in increments and setting individualised SMART ( specific , measurable , attainable , realistic , and timely ) goals . Beginning with a reading goal time of five minutes , and gradually increasing reading time up to 40 minutes , students learn a lifelong regulatory skill that they will use in their continuing education , vocational life , and beyond .
Stamina for Berry Street students is applied across a number of domains . Most important in building stamina with our students is their active involvement in a growth mindset as a result of their own efforts . Nurturing emotional intelligence ( EI ) is another important form
of stamina to employ in times of frustration or adversity . Whether setting stamina goals , charting minutes of independent reading , working on a calming strategy when frustrated , or celebrating multiplication fact-families learned , stamina grows every step of the way with visible goals and positive recognition .
Examples from the Berry Street School :
• Practicing positive self-talk to build frustration tolerance and self-control
• Using strategies that foster the ability to identify emotions and practice emotional intelligence including the regular use of ‘ emotional cards ’ in both student and faculty meetings
• Linking emotional intelligence strategies to literary texts and fictional characters
• Tracking reading stamina in visual ways , so students can celebrate and set new goals
• Increasing stamina for independent work across all subject areas
• Having students self-rate on performance rubrics
• Using team-sports as a way to increase stamina for group cohesion and attachment abilities .