Berry Street Web Docs Berry Street School Annual Report 2012 | Page 12

DOMAIN 2: BUILDING & MAINTAINING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS and DOMAIN 3: RECOGNISING & NEGOTIATING BOUNDARIES, GOALS & OUTCOMES Outdoor Education and experiential learning at the Shepparton Campus At the Berry Street School, we recognise the NRUTWYFSHJTKUWT[NINSLFWFSLJTKJ]UJWNJSHJX that not only build on student knowledge, but support students in building resilience and positive relationships with others. The Morwell campus has a long history of providing outdoor education and camping opportunities for XYZIJSYXFSIYMJ8MJUUFWYTSHFRUZXNSNYXąWXY year of operation, is following suit. .S3T[JRGJWTKFLWTZUTK8MJUUFWYTS'JWW^ Street School students headed off to the Staplyton campground in the Grampians for 3 days and 2 nights. Students walked up Hollow Mountain, enjoyed some spectacular views then backed this effort up with a return trip to McKenzie Falls. Fishing FY1FPJ