Berry Street Web Docs Berry Street Aboriginal Plan

Berry Street Aboriginal Plan 2009-2012 We never give up Our Vision Our Beliefs And Assumptions Berry Street believes all Aboriginal children should have a good childhood, growing up in families and communities where they feel safe, nurtured and have hope for the future. ■ Berry Berry Street Is Committed To Promoting and supporting Aboriginal self determination and enhancing the capacity of Aboriginal Community Controlled organisations to deliver services to their people. ■ Working in respectful partnership with Aboriginal organisations and Communities. ■ Supporting Aboriginal organisations and Communities to secure the resources they need for child and family welfare services, including prevention and early intervention services. ■ Providing high quality services to Aboriginal children and families. ■ Delivering services that are culturally competent, aware, respectful and responsive. ■ Providing a culturally safe workplace and service environments. ■ Advocating for better health, education and welfare outcomes for Aboriginal children and families. ■ Understanding the significance of intergenerational trauma in the lives of Aboriginal children, families and Communities. ■ Street apologises to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia for injustices suffered as a result of European settlement and the forced removal of children from their families, Communities and land. ■ Berry Street recognises the importance of understanding the past. We know the past will impact on our relationships with Aboriginal organisations and Communities and influence our current practice when working with Aboriginal people. ■ Berry Street respects the fundamental importance of cultural traditions, beliefs and connectedness to land for Aboriginal families and Communities. ■ Berry Street acknowledges the urgent need to address Aboriginal disadvantage and, in particular, to: ■ close the life expectancy gap; ■ address poverty; ■ eliminate family violence; ■ improve literacy and numeracy levels and educational attainment; and ■ reduce the over-representation of Aboriginal children and young people in out of home care. ■ All Berry Street staff and carers should be culturally sensitive, aware and competent. ■ Berry Street’s funding submissions will, where relevant: focus on the needs of Aboriginal people; involve partnerships with the Aborignal organisation; and/or seek the support of Aboriginal communities.