Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2016 | Page 50

Financial summary INFORMATION ON BERRY STREET VICTORIA INC FINANCIAL SUMMARY 7KH̬QDQFLDOVXPPDU\SUHVHQWHGLQ this Annual Report has been derived from the Financial Report of Berry Street Victoria Inc. for the year ended 30 June 2016. The discussion, together with WKH̬QDQFLDOVXPPDU\KDVEHHQ included to provide members ZLWKDQRYHUYLHZRIWKH̬QDQFLDO performance of Berry Street Victoria Inc. for the year ended 30 June DQGRILWV̬QDQFLDOSRVLWLRQDW 30 June 2016. $FRS\RIWKHIXOO̬QDQFLDOUHSRUW and auditor’s report is available, free of charge, upon request. OVERVIEW 2015–2016 was another demanding year resulting in a surplus from continuing operations RIFRPSDUHGWRDGH̬FLW from continuing operations of $1.2 million the previous year. While there was an increase in operating income throughout the ̬QDQFLDO\HDUWKHUHZDV also an increase in both program activities and expenditure. The main source of the increase in operating income was an additional $3 million in Government funding. 6LJQL̬FDQWO\ZHFRQWLQXHGWRLQYHVW in our Strategic Initiatives and in WKH̬QDQFLDO\HDUWKH investment increased to $3.7 million. Our key focus still continues to be: Strengthening the quality, consistency and integration of our services Achieving policy and system FKDQJHLQRXUHLJKWLGHQWL̬HG areas of: innovation — education, foster and kinship care, therapeutic care, early years, leaving care, family violence, keeping siblings together and placed-based community strengthening %XLOGLQJWKHLQ̭XHQFHRIWKH%HUU\ Street Childhood Institute Working with our Aboriginal colleagues and others to grow the authority and resources for Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations INVESTMENTS Berry Street segregates an amount of long term assets for investment (akin to an endowment) which is invested and managed to ensure that: 6% per annum is returned back to operations; and Where the endowment earns more than 6% per annum, the excess amount is reinvested to grow the