Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2016 | Page 44

OUR E PEOPLE The children, young people and adults with whom we work have been let down far too often in their past. To earn their trust takes enormous determination and underlines our commitment to WE NEVER GIVE UP. Bearing witness to their fear, pain, hurt and grief is emotionally draining. 2XUVWD̫IRVWHUDQGNLQVKLSFDUHUV need to be resilient, to believe that change is possible and to keep this hope present, especially through the tough times. 7RHQVXUHRXUVWD̫DQGFDUHUVDUH equipped to do this complex work demands a whole-of-organisational approach. 24% This includes: how we attract, recruit and induct new people; the support, coaching and supervision ZHSURYLGHKRZZHHTXLSRXUVWD̫ and carers with the knowledge and skills to meet changing needs; the DFFHVVZHSURYLGHWRGHEULH̬QJ and our Employee and Carer Assistance Program; and how we live our commitment to be a learning organisation where initiative, UH̭HFWLRQDQGNQRZOHGJHEXLOGLQJ drive innovation. 76% Males Females 1068 NUMBER OF STAFF 43 BERRY STREET