Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2016 | Page 42

T I Lucy's story When Lucy, aged 14, was referred to our Intensive Case Management Service, she was at extreme risk. Her family relationships were fractured and the one person she did see had sexually exploited her. Not surprisingly, given the childhood trauma she had VX̫HUHG/XF\FUDYHGD̫HFWLRQZKLFKPDGHKHUDQHDV\WDUJHW for older men. Lucy tested Jessica, her case manager, with her chaotic lifestyle, substance use, running away and moving in with men who used her. At 16½, Lucy became pregnant. Jessica helped her return to her hometown and connected her to local services. Being the best mother she could for her child motivated Lucy to make massive changes in her life. She settled in Ballarat, kept her appointments, stopped her substance use and started to reconnect with her grandmother. When Lucy’s daughter was born, the Court ordered 24/7 support for Lucy until she could obtain a parenting assessment. This meant our residential care workers actually moved in with her. Lucy completed WKHSDUHQWLQJDVVHVVPHQWZLWK̭\LQJFRORXUVDQG her Guardianship Order was allowed to lapse. Her daughter is thriving and Lucy tells us how she knew we would always be there for her. 41 BERRY STREET