Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2016 | Page 34

Healing Childhood Trauma
����������������������������������� �������������������������������� focussed on engaging young people who were struggling following the ����������������������������������� received personal counselling and we ran 72 community-based healing programs across eight areas .

Listen to the cues and clues that the client provides and respond accordingly . Often these clues are to do with identity : ruptured identity and interrupted identity formation . To move forward we first must visit the past , with words and drawings , and with patience and curiosity . Many of our clients will never regain their before-disaster naivety , but overtime , they can regain their hopefulness , when they can view the disaster as a part of their lived experience rather than as defining their lived experience .

Former counsellor
Open Place is the Victorian Support Service for Forgotten Australians , established in Victoria in response to the 500,000 children across Australia who grew up in institutions . Whilst most Forgotten Australians went on to have successful lives , too many still carry the scars from being separated from their siblings and parents , lack of education and the �������������������������������� as children .
We now have over 3,000 registered service users , up from 455 when we commenced in 2010 , and the numbers continue to grow .
In addition to the 13 social support groups which meet monthly across Victoria , we :
Organised nearly 5,000 counselling sessions
Supported 47 people through private sessions with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
Helped 800 people to access their records
Provided more intensive support to 1,526 people ( 1267 episodes )
Published ‘ We Remember You ’ to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the Victorian Memorial to Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants
Open Place continued to be actively involved in the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and advocacy for a national redress scheme .

Open Place provided more intensive support to 1526 1526

Counselling Sessions


Registered services