Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2016 | Page 32

Jodie’s story 31 3 1 Jodie was 14 when she came into our therapeutic residential care program in Shepparton. Her relationship with her father had broken down completely and she had been assaulting her younger siblings. Initially, Jodie’s anger was demonstrated by EHLQJSK\VLFDOO\DQGYHUEDOO\DJJUHVVLYHZLWKVWD̫EXWVKHDOVR engaged in sexualised behaviour and needed constant attention and reassurance. Amanda, the Take Two clinician, slowly earned Jodie’s trust and developed a plan to meet her developmental needs DQGWRKHOSWKHVWD̫XQGHUVWDQGKHUEHKDYLRXUDQGEHFRQVLVWHQW in the way they responded to her. Over time, Jodie and her father actively participated in the care team responsible for her care. Her father made some life-changing decisions, including reducing his drinking, so that he and Jodie could start to rebuild their relationship. Jodie now attends school regularly and feels proud of the progress she has made. Although seemingly impossible four years ago, Jodie is about to return home a much happier girl. BERRY B BE ER RR RY ST STREET S TR RE EE ET T