Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2016 | Page 31

Kelvin’s story Eight year old Kelvin often looked cold and didn’t bring lunch to school. When the school saw him eating apple peel or cigarette butt sandwiches, Child Protection became involved. His mother was struggling with her own mental health and substance use issues and the boarding house she was OLYLQJLQZDVQʌWVDIHIRU.HOYLQ:KHQRXUVWD̫̬UVWPHW.HOYLQKHVSHQW most of the day hitting, kicking, biting, damaging property and running R̫DQGUHIXVLQJWRJRWREHGDWQLJKW7KHRQO\FRQVWDQWVLQKLVOLIHZHUH school and his paternal grandmother. Our clinicians assessed his needs DQGGHYHORSHGDSODQIRURXUUHVLGHQWLDOFDUHVWD̫DQGWHDFKHUVWRHQVXUH there was a consistent approach. His grandmother loved him, but was very worried how she would cope on her own. Nine months later, Kelvin’s behaviour has settled, he sleeps at night and loves his bedtime stories. We are working towards him living full-time with his grandmother by Christmas. Through an individualised Targeted Care Package, Kelvin’s grandmother will have someone after school two days a week for support and to help him catch up on his school work, Kelvin will continue his counselling and she will receive ANNUAL REPORT 2016 DGGLWLRQDO̬QDQFLDOVXSSRUW 30