Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2016 | Page 28

E Jane and Sarah’s story 27 2 7 -DQH  DQG6DUDK  ZHUH̬QDOO\UHPRYHGIURP their parents after years of physical abuse, family violence and severe neglect. There were many challenges for foster parents, Leah and Jan, as Sarah was still in nappies, unable to use the toilet, drinking milk from a bottle, had no language and was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Global Developmental Delay. We organised weekly speech and occupational therapy and a clinician helped the foster parents to plan activities that would nurture her development and minimise stress. Six months on, Sarah can now engage, comprehend and communicate what VKHQHHGVIROORZLQVWUXFWLRQVDQGVKRZD̫HFWLRQWRWKHVSHFLDOSHRSOH in her life. The focus for Jane was to let her be a child and not feel responsible for her sister as she had been. Jane has just joined her local netball club, is making friends and was so excited recently when she was invited to two birthday parties! None of this would have been possible without the love, care, attention BERRY B BE ERR RR RY ST STREET S STRE TRE R ET ET and commitment that Leah and Jan provide.