Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2016 | Page 23

Knowledge Development & Advocacy ADVOCACY Advocating for our clients is part of the DNA of all Berry Street staff. Across a range of policy areas and through regional, state, national and international forums, Berry Street is often the only child and family services organisation from Victoria that is strongly engaged in public policy debates and issues. We choose to pursue policy change in response to historical failings in child welfare and to be an active player in Royal Commissions and Parliamentary and Government Inquiries. We do this because the insights from our work with vulnerable children and families need to be shared if we are to see all children enjoy a good childhood. OUR ADVOCACY PRIORITIES INCLUDED: 7RJHWKHUZLWKWKH2̮FHRIWKH Public Advocate, Law Institute of Victoria, Mental Health for Young People and Their Families and the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency, we highlighted some of the unintended consequences of the new Permanent Care Legislation, which commenced in March 2016. We were pleased that Minister Mikakos asked the new Commissioner for Children and Young People to undertake a review of the legislation six months after its commencement Leading the sector’s commitment to empowering Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs), which was encapsulated in the Beyond Good Intentions agreement. This was subsequently endorsed by the Aboriginal Children’s Forum and a working group was established to progress implementation Developing a major submission focussing on the impact of family violence on children for the Victorian Royal Commission into family violence with Emma Toone (Program Manager, Infant & Child Therapeutic Responses) providing ANNUAL REPORT 2016 testimony. We were pleased that UHFRPPHQGDWLRQVSHFL̬FDOO\ cites our work in Take Two as needing to be expanded 8VLQJRXU̬QGLQJVIURPRXUYHU\ successful leaving care pilot program, Stand By Me. Although the Victorian Government did not extend its coverage beyond 18 as we argued, the Commonwealth has committed to a trial through the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children and the South Australian Government is considering introducing it Continuing our contribution to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, particularly around fair and equitable redress for survivors Understanding the harm the ‘debate’ on Marriage Equality means for children, we developed a statement on Marriage Equality which was sent to all Federal MPs and promoted widely through social media Using the opportunity of the Royal Commission into Family Violence to raise awareness of the damage caused by family violence, especially to children 22