Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2016 | Page 20

Knowledge Development & Advocacy INTERNATIONAL CONNECTIONS We continue to share with, and learn from, international colleagues through presentations at conferences and building collaborations. SOME OF THE HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Dr Trish McCluskey (Director Gippsland) visiting the USA to understand alternative residential care models Professor Annette Jackson (Senior Advisor Healing and Trauma) presenting in Canada on the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics Dr Nicole Milburn (Senior Manager for Infant Mental Health and Developmental Consultancies, Take Two) presenting on challenges for professionals at the 15th World Congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health Conference in Prague 2XU+RPH%DVHG&DUHVWD̫ JLYLQJ̬YHSUHVHQWDWLRQVDW the International Foster Care Conference in Sydney Our Berry Street Childhood Institute Fellows from the United Kingdom – Professor Gillian 6FKRO̬HOG'U0DU\%HHN5LFKDUG Rose and Clark Baim – all visited Berry Street and shared their knowledge. DR BRUCE PERRY TOUR On his 4th tour with us, Dr Bruce Perry (Founder of the Child Trauma Academy in the USA) presented on Transforming Childhood Trauma in Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. Like previous tours, we arranged for Dr Perry to meet with JRYHUQPHQWR̮FLDOVSURYLGH master classes and deliver a number of keynote addresses. Over 5,000 people learned from him over the two weeks and the feedback was again overwhelmingly positive. 19 BERRY STREET