Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2016 | Page 15

Governance & Accountability QUALITY, RISK & M COMPLIANCE As a large organisation that is responsible for very vulnerable children, young people, women and families, we understand and support the need for external scrutiny. At the same time, we know that the best work will occur in organisations where learning is YDOXHGDQGSURPRWHGZKHUHVWD̫ are competent and supported, and where the right management systems and infrastructure supports are in place. SOME OF THE HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Achieving White Ribbon workplace accreditation, one of 45 organisations nationally and RQO\QLQHQRWIRUSUR̬WV Commencing the implementation of Outcomes Star, which will help guide our work with clients and measure impact both for the individual and in aggregate Successfully completed the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards mid-year and Registered Training Organisation reviews ANNUAL REPORT 2016 “ I feel a lot safer, happier, healthier and more organised Reviewing how we best provide supervision to our residential VWD̫DQGLPSOHPHQWLQJD new framework ” Financial counselling client Engaging external consultants to review our IT security Twenty-six DHHS spot audits of our residential homes across the State In August 2015, Berry Street undertook its second agency wide survey of adult service users. The survey collects data on service satisfaction, as well as seeking feedback about the impact of Berry Street programs for individual clients. It also seeks suggestions for improvements and enhancements to service delivery. This year, the project was expanded to include Open Place (the Support Service for Forgotten Australians) clients. . . The largest numbers of responses came from clients who had used Berry Street’s family violence services, parenting support services, and post-care services Pleasingly, levels of satisfaction were extremely high 14