Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2016 | Page 12

Our Committed Board of Directors PAUL WAPPETT PA N LYN ALLISON Pr President Berry Street, CEO Open Universities Australia CE Since 2007 | B.COMM, LL.B, MBA. Si Former teacher & former Leader of the Australian Democrats Since 2009 | B.ED, MAICD. I’v always been acutely aware of I’ve w what a privilege it is to have had the childhood I did, unencumbered by the ch anxiety, pain and trauma that many an children face. Berry Street allows me ch to try to change the conditions of cchildhood ch h for all children, and to give hope h ho o and support to those kids for whom childhood is a tough road. w Berry Street works hard at the coalface for our kids, but also sees the bigger picture. Society needs to change and evidence needs to drive improvement in services so young people in care do not keep missing out on life’s opportunities. Berry Street gets that. LORENZO BRESCIANI Brand Consultant Since 2014 2 | BA(Hons). 5LJKW 5LJKWIURPP\YHU\̬UVWLQWHUDFWLRQV with Berry B Street, I have been inspired by the commitment of its inspir VWD̫DQGE\WKHUHVLOLHQFHRIWKH VWD̫D children and families they work childr with every e day. PENNY ARMYTAGE Partner, Government Advisory Services Advisory, KPMG Since 2014 | BA. Social Science. I have had the privilege of working with Berry Street from early in my career as a child protection worker. I have always been impressed with Berry Street’s commitment to work with clients to prevent harm to children, or if that is unable to be achieved to work tirelessly to try to ameliorate the impact of that harm on their future lives. Playing a role on the Board allows me to FRQWULEXWHWRWKLVH̫RUW  and commitment. TIM CARTWRIGHT Former Acting Chief Commissioner, Victoria Police Since 2016| BA. Criminal Justice, Grad. Dip. Public Policy and Management. Berry Street is an organisation that B GRHVJRRGWKDWPDNHVDGL̫HUHQFHWR G cchildren and families, and has a deserved UHSXWDWLRQIRULQQRYDWLRQ,̬QGWKHLU UH YYDOXHVDYHU\QLFH̬WZLWKP\RZQDQG I have always worked with people who love a challenge, especially when that lo involves helping others. I was delighted in to be invited onto the Board. 11 1 LAURINDA GARDNER Berry Street Vice-President, Consultant and Executive Coach Since 2000 | BA(Hons). The work that Berry Street does every ery y’s day is even more important in today’s complex world. I continue to be D̫ LQVSLUHGE\WKHJUHDWZRUNRIRXUVWD̫ and volunteer carers and am proud to contribute what I can to this great organisation. BERRY STREET