Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2014 | Page 36

Free from violence at last

Christina ’ s STORY

Sixty-eight year old Christina was referred by her psychologist to our Northern Family Violence team in 2011 . She was very scared of her husband , from whom she had suffered serious family violence for 40 years . She had recently been hospitalised for two weeks following a physical assault , was rarely allowed to leave the house , wasn ’ t allowed any money and told she would be put in a nursing home because she was “ mentally ill ”. We talked with Christina about her options and several months later she decided to leave . Because of the threat to her safety , we helped her move to a refuge in the country . Over time , Christina gained more confidence , negotiated a divorce and financial settlement and reconnected to some family members and her church . Although she still suffers from the impact of 40 years of abuse , Christina now feels safe and is on the journey to reconnection , self-discovery and independence .