Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2014 | Page 14

KNOWLEDGE, ADVOCACY & LEADERSHIP Through our knowledge and advocacy, Berry Street contributes to a fairer and more inclusive community Courage is one of our five organisational Values and is epitomised through our motto WE NEVER GIVE UP. With 92% of our funding from government, we are very conscious of our responsibility to be accountable for the way this funding is used and outcomes achieved. Advocacy – whether on an individual, group or policy level – is part of the life blood of Berry Street. This can be uncomfortable – for funders and us – but is essential if we want to achieve the best possible outcomes. Some of the highlights include: ^^Our first Good Childhood Conference ^^In partnership with the Foster Care Association of Victoria, leading the ‘Save Foster Care’ campaign ^^Presenting our work at many Australian and some international forums (Canada, Scotland, Japan, Portugal and New Zealand) and sponsoring the CREATE National Conference ^^Providing four formal submissions to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and participating in two roundtables of Parliament for the State Election ^^Commissioning work on: the Income Management trial in Shepparton; barriers to implementing professional foster care and downstream costs of not investing; our pilot leaving care program; Connect for Kids and our Early Learning is Fun programs; and exploring opportunities through the National Disability Insurance Scheme ^^Publishing papers on: the trauma impact on children and young people who have experienced natural disasters (for the Variety Club); recruitment of GLBTI foster carers (in partnership with the Benevolent Society); the impact of our Berry Big Adventure, Foster Care Camps and Wilderness experience on young people; assisting foster carers to improve educational outcomes for the children and young people in their care; the impact of play groups for children in kinship care; a trauma-informed approach for Aboriginal young people leaving care; analysis of child death reviews; and a literature review of young people at risk of sexual exploitation, absconding and other significant harms. We are also involved in Australian Research Council projects with Deakin University, the University of NSW and University of Melbourne ^^Delivering training on: Yarning Up On Trauma; Quality of Care; Therapeutic Residential Care; and Calmer Classrooms ^^Developing program logics for 59 out of 127 (44%) Berry Street programs. ^^Hosting visits from the Victorian Attorney- General’sOffice and contributing a submission to the review of Residential Care ^^Playing a leadership role with the development of the Government’s Five Year Out of Home Care Plan and Aboriginal Plan and partnership framework between Aboriginal agencies and community service organisations Advocacy – whether on an individual, group or policy level – is part of the life blood of Berry Street. KNOWLEDGE, ADVOCACY & LEADERSHIP Providing services is necessary, but it’s not sufficient. We are committed to using our knowledge and experience of what works to improve policies and practices which will help the people with whom we work. ^^Providing briefings to all Victorian Members