Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2009 | Page 13

BELINDA’S STORY Can you imagine what it is like to meet your foster family? Twelve year old Belinda had to face this 19 times before she came to Berry Street. With all these changes and her mother’s drug addiction, depression and violence, it is not surprising that when she was eight Belinda had been diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder and thought she was unworthy and unlovable. Melissa owns and manages a small business in Shepparton, but wanted to make a difference in a child’s life. Melissa became a foster carer two years ago and soon after joined our therapeutic foster care program. While it’s not always easy managing Belinda’s nightmares, bed-wetting, need for attention and grief, Melissa speaks about Belinda with such love, joy and pride. With Melissa’s support, Belinda has made friends at school and is finally living a childhood with a sense of a future. 12