Berry Street Web Docs Annual Report 2008 | Page 10

Berry Street A: By tackling to work with children recover family violence chooses and helping women and families Tackling family violence demands a whole of community response. In the North and West Region, Berry Street is the lead agency in encouraging and supporting an integrated response to family violence. who are hurting the most Nearly 3,000 contacts were made to our Family Violence Intake Service. We also: • Provided support to 740 women. • Provided 89 women with either crisis or transitional accommodation. • Provided support at court for 266 women. • Provided therapeutic counselling for 117 women and referred another 101 women directly to community health services for counselling. • Worked intensively with 24 children. The new pilot Crisis Advocacy Response Service demonstrates our work in this challenging area. Agencies in the Northern Region had identified the need for an improved response to women and children following violence in the family home. While safety requirements mean it may be necessary for a woman to leave the family home, this reduces her financial stability and means she and her children are dislocated from their home, school and community. It also signals to the woman and her children that it is not their right to remain safely in their home. Together with the Victoria Police, the Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service, the Salvation Army, Women’s Health in the North and two women’s refuges, we are trialling a new approach, which will enable women and children to remain safely at home. The project has received an Office of Housing Best Practice Grant and is being evaluated by Melbourne University.