Bergen International Festival 2019 English catalogue FiB Katalog EN 2019 lowres single pages | Page 79

FE STIVITIE S B ER G EN I N T ER N AT I ON AL FEST I VAL 2019 Balkan Fest Voksne Herrers Orkester with Igor & the Union of Cousins with guests 07 9 m ​ opsided rhythms and L playful lyrics. m ​ musical institution in A extended festival edition. F ESTI VA L S Q UA R E TENT Igor Dunderovic is a Norwegian- Bosnian producer who along with his seven ‘cousins’ is known for flipping Norwegian national treasures on their head and calling attention to immi- gration issues in a humorous way. The Union of Cousins is a combination of good friends and professional musi- cians who love Norway and irregular Balkan rhythms. Their albums feature satirical interpretations of traditional Norwegian songs such as Kråkevisa, Håvard Hedde and Gikk meg over sjø og land. FEST I VAL S QUAR E T EN T Concert evenings with this mature gentlemen's orchestra have long since become an institution in Bergen. Throughout hundreds of Monday nights, the gentlemen have shared their extensive repertoire and infectious joy for playing music at venues such as Logen and Chagall, and this spring they will be perform- ing at Underlig. DATE /TI M E Saturday 25 May at 21:00 D U R ATI O N 2:00 AD DI TI O NA L I N FO R M ATI O N Igor & the Union of Cousins are also playing a family concert the same day, see p. 85. T ICK E T Standard: 250 Senior: 225 Under 30: 190 FiB Fordel: 200 BT Fordel: 187 If they are in a good mood, there will be fast dancing and Balkan partying that lasts for hours. If they are in a bad mood, there may be slow and beautiful music and nostalgic melan- choly that lasts for weeks. Supported by Grieg Foundation Igor Dunderovic storyteller Adisa Diamusk Zvekic guest vocals Elvis Medic kapellmeister Mili Orucevic guitar Almir Meskovic accordion Daniel Orucevic violin Sanjin Orucevic bass guitar Milos Josifovic percussion DAT E/T I ME Sunday 26 May at 21:00 D U R AT I ON 1:15 T I CKET Standard: 250 Senior: 225 Under 30: 190 FiB Fordel: 200 BT Fordel: 187 The seasoned instrumentalists are known for combining a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere with high musi- cal quality, and often invite guests to play with them. Voksne Herrers Orkester love to surprise and rarely reveal in advance who they have invited to join them. Supported by Grieg Foundation In May, the mature men can be heard in the Festival Square tent, perform- ing a concert packed full of good vibes and great musicality. Voksne Herrers Orkester Harald Dahlstrøm keys Steinar Krokstad drums Thomas Dahl guitar Ole Marius Sandberg bass WWW.FI B.N O/EN 07 9