Bergen International Festival 2019 English catalogue FiB Katalog EN 2019 lowres single pages | Page 18

0 18 BE RGE N INTE RN AT I ON AL FE STIVAL 2019 FEST I VAL COMP OS ER Unsuk Chin m Mimodramas GRIEGH A LLE N P EER GY N T- SA L EN DAT E/ T I M E Friday 31 May at 20:00 See page 35. Festival Composer and Artist in Residence Oslo String Quartet T RO L D H AU G E N T RO L D SA LE N DAT E/ T I M E Monday 03 June at 19:30 See p. 29. Arctic Philharmonic Sinfonietta BERGEN D O M KI RKE DAT E/ T I M E Tuesday 04 June at 19:00 See p. 28. Closing Concert with Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra GRIEGH A LLE N GRIEG SA L E N DAT E/ T I M E Wednesday 05 June at 18:00 See p. 38. o Festival Composer Unsuk Chin BERGEN O FF. BI BL I OT EK ( BERGEN PU B LI C L IBRA RY ) N OT ERO M M E T, 2 N D F LO O R DAT E/ T I M E Saturday 01 June at 14:00 See p. 97. The Korean composer Unsuk Chin (1961–) stu- died piano and composition with Sukhi Kang in Seoul and from 1985 with György Ligeti in Hamburg. Chin made her breakthrough in 1994 with Akrostichon-Wortspiel (acrostic wordplay) for Soprano and Ensemble. The work, which experiments with language and music, is per- formed in the 2019 Bergen International Festival by the Arctic Philharmonic Sinfonietta (p. 28). Since 1988 Unsuk Chin has been a freelan- ce composer based in Berlin. Her music is performed by leading orchestras worldwide, including the Berlin Philharmonic, the London Philharmonic and the Los Angeles Philharmonic. She has received prestigious awards and has been presented at major international classical music festivals. The composer explains: 'My music is a reflection of my dreams. I try to render into music the visions of immense light and of an incredible magnificence of colours that I see in all my dreams, a play of light and colours floating through the room and at the same time for- ming a fluid sound sculpture. Its beauty is very abstract and remote, but it is for these very qualities that it addresses the emotions and can communicate joy and warmth.' full orchestra. In all categories her music is virtuoso and full of drama, with conflict and reconciliation and elegant shadows in delicate soundscapes. Chin is a consummate artist of timbre, and her scores demand performers who are true virtuosi on their instruments. Not infrequently theatrical requirements are made of the performer to emphasise the dramatic element. The musician is expected to imitate, to create illusions, to be playful, to parody and to surprise. Unsuk Chin will be present at the festival, par- ticipating in panel dialogues and at concerts where her music is performed. She has the last word: ‘The Bergen International Festival has an extraordinary history and enormous aspirations for its artistic projects. I look forward to this collaboration with enthusiasm!’ ‘Unsuk Chin has a formidable ear for sonority and for mining the expressive potential of the slightest nuances of pitch and pulse’ – THE GUARDIAN The Bergen International Festival presents Unsuk Chin in four concerts, ranging from works for solo instrument through chamber music to 0 18 #FE STSPILLEN E19