Bergen International Festival 2017 Bergen International Festival 2017 | Page 100


The Festival thanks

The Grieg Foundation supports numerous charitable projects worldwide , with an emphasis on projects that involve children and youth , medical research and the environment . The Grieg Foundation makes an active commitment to ensuring necessary support and progress , and to contributing in ways that make a difference .
The Bergen International Festival has been a recurrent name when the foundation bestows their gifts , and we are very pleased that they wish to take part in this festival tradition in Bergen . Their contribution supports a comprehensive children ’ s and outdoor programme that enables children , adolescents and adults to take part in and watch quality performances – and enjoy the festival atmosphere .
The Bergen International Festival would like to thank the Grieg Foundation for their support .
The Savings Bank Foundation DNB is an independent foundation that works to increase interest in and understanding of art and culture , especially among children and youth . They achieve this by supporting projects that involve good communication and encourage participation .
Dextra Musica is a subsidiary of the Savings Bank Foundation DNB , and since 2006 it has purchased valuable string instruments that it lends to Norwegian musicians .
With support from The Savings Bank Foundation DNB – Dextra Musica the 2017 Festival presents world class young , Norwegian musicians and prominent international artists in concerts in Troldsalen and in the composers ’ homes of Edvard Grieg , Ole Bull and Harald Sæverud at Troldhaugen , Lysøen and Siljustøl .
Funds and collaboration from The Savings Bank Foundation DNB – Dextra Musica have in addition contributed to make possible the mentor programme Crescendo .
The Bergen International Festival would like to thank The DNB Savings Bank Foundation – Dextra Musica for their support .
The Kavli Trust has supported the Bergen International Festival for a number of years , and in recent years the Kavli Trust has supported the festival ’ s outdoor programme : a variety of events that are free and open to everyone .
The Kavli Trust also continues its collaboration with Bergen Red Cross , Robin Hood House and many other organisations that make the festival accessible to people who , for various reasons , are not able to experience the programme at the regular festival venues .
Thanks to support from the Kavli Trust , festival concerts will be arranged in hospitals , nursing homes and senior centres around Bergen . In addition , the Festival ’ s programme of tailored events will develop and expand to include audiences of all ages under the conceptual umbrella of Festival Collective .
Support from the Kavli Trust ensures that the festival can offer a free Opening Ceremony for the whole town to enjoy .
We would like to thank the Kavli Trust for their contribution and involvement in making festival experiences available to more people .
The GC Rieber Funds support charitable social and cultural initiatives , mainly in Bergen . They also support research within medicine and other fields .
Among its many good cultural initiatives , the funds focus on providing support for young local talent , especially in music . This is done to ensure further development of a rich cultural scene in Bergen in the future .
The Funds are particularly engaged in supporting and developing projects aimed at vulnerable people in the community . Dignity in old age and in care for the elderly , for instance through music therapy , is one such area . At this year ’ s Festival , support from the GC Rieber Funds has