Benjamin Franklin Middle School Student/Parent Handbook 2016-2017 | Page 49

special project; assignment of community service; restitution; in-school suspension; out-ofschool suspension; or expulsion (the denial of the student’s right to attend public school, which may be imposed only by the Board of Education). Administrative action may be taken for misbehavior after school hours or away from school grounds where that misbehavior is detrimental to student/school safety, discipline, property or the safe or orderly operations of the school district. Examples of misconduct are listed in categories according to seriousness. Level I is least serious; Level IV is most serious. The list indicates the MINIMUM action to be taken by the school staff and administration, and it is intended to provide guidance. The gravity of any single offense or a repetition of offenses (whether or not the offenses are the same or different) may result in more serious consequences. Level I: This category includes examples of misbehaviors, which interfere with orderly classroom operation. These are usually handled by the teacher and include such things as lateness to class, unnecessary talking during the lesson, teasing or bothering another student during the lesson, and leaving class without permission. A warning, an after school detention with the teacher, consultation with the guidance counselor, and/or parent/guardian contact is the usual punishment. Level II: Misbehaviors that fall in this category are again within the classroom and are directly handled by the teacher, but with administrative help as needed. The use of obscene or disrespectful language in class, talking back to the teacher, refusing to follow directions given by a staff member, verbal confrontation, physical scuffles, cutting class, misconduct in detention, and the forging of late notes or excuses are examples of misbehaviors at this level. The parent/guardian shall be informed. The consequence is usually in the form of a longer detention or multiple detentions. Parent(s)/guardian(s) conferences may be required. The teacher may arrange for teaching colleagues, the guidance counselor(s), and/or administrator(s) to be present at the parent/guardian conference. Level III: Problems that fall under this category are more severe, may be illegal, and may occur both in and out of the classroom. In all cases, the Assistant Principal’s office is informed, and the teacher fills out a formal referral report. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are informed, and a conference is usually required before the student is allowed back into school or a particular class. Fighting anywhere on or near school grounds, theft, swearing at a teacher or other adult staff member, and destruction of school property or the property of others, are types of behaviors which fall into this category. Punishment may include an extended period of detention, and/or a combination of in or out-of-school suspensions. 45