Benjamin Franklin Middle School Student/Parent Handbook 2016-2017 | Page 46

Falsifications, including forging signatures, altering answers after they have been graded, the insertion of answers after the fact, the erasure of grader’s marking, and other acts that allow for falsely taking credit, are prohibited. Consequences include, but are not limited to: reprimand, suspension, loss of credit for all work that is plagiarized and imposition of community service. Respect in the School Community Student Responsibilities: Students have the responsibility to treat all staff members, including but not limited to teachers, paraprofessionals, providers, secretarial staff, and custodians, with respect and courtesy. Each student is urged to regard staff members as resources who can be utilized to advance the student’s own knowledge and development. Students shall be required to respect the rights of staff members and interference with such rights will not be permitted. No student will be permitted to interfere with the efforts of staff members in the performance of their jobs. Students should listen to and follow all directions of staff members. They should take care of school materials and school property and demonstrate positive social skills. Students have a responsibility to be prepared for school, both with all needed materials and work and a positive attitude towards learning. Students also have the responsibility to treat other students with respect and courtesy. Students should choose peer groups that demonstrate safe, respectful, and responsible behavior. Students should resolve conflict in a positive manners; violence is not an option. Students should listen to their peers and be open to new and different ideas and viewpoints. Students also have the responsibility to treat visitors to the school community, including parents, volunteers, vendors, students from other schools, and fans, with respect and courtesy. Students are representatives of this District and should represent the District in an exemplary manner. Students shall exhibit good will and courtesy towards all individuals with whom they come in contact. Parent/Guardian Responsibilities: Staff members are expected to work collaboratively with parents/guardians to best meet each student’s needs. Staff members should listen to, and show respect towards, all parents/guardians. Parent/guardian involvement is encouraged and welcomed. Open and courteous communication is the key to a successful relationship between staff members and parents/guardians. While the District encourages all parents/guardians to participate in their child’s education to the fullest extent, it is important to remember that staff members are professionals and parents/guardians should not interfere with staff members’ efforts and actions to perform their job obligations. The District emphasizes the importance of calm and respectful learning environments. To that end, no parent, family member, family friend or volunteer may be disrespectful to school staff. Vulgarity and threats are strictly forbidden. Such conduct will result in a demand to leave the premises at the risk of a trespass charge. 42