Benjamin Franklin Middle School Student/Parent Handbook 2016-2017 | Page 26

Hall Passes Any student in the hall during a class period must have their plan book signed by their teacher. Fire Drills and Security Drills All schools are required to conduct at least one fire drill and one security drill each month within school hours. Security drills include evacuation (non-fire), bomb threat and lockdown. During all drills, silence and attentiveness are required. Follow directions of staff members. If you are not with your teacher, follow the directions of staff members nearest you. If you have any questions about any of these drills, ask your building administrators or your teacher. Hazardous Substances Notice of any construction or other activities involving the use of any hazardous substances will be posted on a bulletin board in the school. Hazardous substances may be stored at the school at various times throughout the year. A hazardous substance fact sheet for any such substance used or stored is available from our Office of Curriculum and Instruction (201) 833-5506. Student Health Our students should be in school, but not if they are ill. Please do not send your child to school if he or she is sick. This is not in the best interest of the child and can affect the health of others. Medication In School Generally, only the school nurse or parent/guardian is legally allowed to dispense medication. Call the school nurse at (201) 833-5460 for information regarding procedures. With written permission, certain students, may self-administer medication for lifethreatening illnesses. Only the following individuals are authorized to administer medication to students in school: (1) the school physician; (2) a certified or non-certified school nurse; (3) a substitute school nurse employed by the District; (4) the student’s parent or guardian; (5) other school employees trained and designated by the certified school nurse to administer epinephrine in an emergency; or (6) the student approved to self-administer in accordance with State law. Students who need to take medication during school hours, either for anticipated emergencies such as an asthma attack, for life threatening illnesses or for short intervals such as antibiotics, are required to abide by the following regulations: 1. Submit a written authorization by the parent or guardian for selfadministration of medication; 22