Bending Reality Magazine October | Page 29

14. Name dropping is not only unacceptable in real life but just as

unimpressive in virtual reality. Seriously, if you have to rely on bragging

about who you know in the various virtual realities you have far more issues

than we can cover here.

15. Know your VR's (Virtual Realities). Do not make comparisons to the

different VR's since the vast majority of them have quite different appeal to

different people and not because of their similarities.

Places such as, Second Life, NuVera Online, Onverse, etc (all of

which are VASTLY different), these are all virtual worlds and referred to as

MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game). Not because all the avatars

can walk but because they offer world sized areas to explore and they were

designed to encompass a 'world' feeling while interacting with other people

online at the same time.

Other places like IMVU and Frenzoo are instant messaging programs, VIM's

(Virtual Instant Messaging), that are designed for chatting with 3d avatars

which is not the same thing, even a little bit. Virtual chats are designed to

control your avatar for you using nodes and predetermined settings, while

in virtual worlds you control your avatar.

Than you have places like World of Warcraft, FreeRealms and other 'games'

which technically are virtual worlds but they are first and foremost quest

based role playing games. These are MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer

Online Role Playing Game). Again, not the same as the other two.

See, learned something new today, didn't you?

16. Listen to directions! Please listen. Really, just reading directions will

alleviate so much frustration from others. When you are given step by step

instruction, either through a tutorial or from other users, don't just toss your

hands up in the air and pronounce failure. Worse yet, do not, under any

circumstances, demand that others do it for you. That is not only so very

telling how lazy you are (very unflattering by the way) but it also alienates

others from even wanting to try to help you.

17. Pronouncing yourself as the uber ultimate ... (insert option here such as

developer, stylist, dj, lover, what have you...) is bragging and very

unattractive. It makes you look like you are compensating for something

else you lack. Gents will know what I mean by that, yes? It is equivalent to

the large, loud vehicles in comparison situation. Yes, it is true, and so it is

with bragging. People will talk about you behind your back and trust me, it

is not good things they are saying.

18. Buying friends may be a temporary solution but you will find you are not

making friends, just acquaintances that like you for your virtual money.

Getting a friend a gift to thank them or for their birthday is sweet but

constantly buying things for your friends shows you have low self esteem

and don't believe you can make friends any other way. If this is the

impression you wish to portray, carry on.

19. Begging... ugh.. begging has to be the most offensive and ultimately

worst way to interact with others. Sure, some gals, and guys dressed up as

gals, can successfully sucker a few people into getting them things once in a

while, often with an offer of exchanging *cough* favors for virtual currency

or items but in the long run, you are not favored and will not be invited

anywhere by anyone for fear you will continue with this ugly behavior.

20. Complaining about others and whining how others treat you becomes

very old, very fast. Do not attend an event or go to public areas and

complain about so and so or whine about how your life sucks. You will find

that the 'awww poor thing' statement will die off pretty fast the more you do

it and it absolutely will get you shunned by the community as a whole. Try to

find some good things to talk about. The right kind of attention is much

more satisfying and more long term gratifying than the temporary hits of


21. Finally, trolls happen. They are ugly and rude and genetically wired to

find it amusing to get under your skin, make you angry and make you look

worse than them by pushing your buttons, most times in public. Fight the

urge to respond to them. You will be grateful in the long term. I am not

going to say don't be a troll because that will simply attract them like a moth

to a flame war but if you are intelligent enough to realize you are being

suckered into the corner of a wet paper bag by some jerk that thinks they

are being brilliant, make sure you have a pen knife handy and cut your way

out. You don't need the headache nor do you need to end up looking worse

than the troll by losing your cool. Trolls are cyber bullies and if you ignore

them, they really do get bored and move on. What fun is there for them if

you don't respond?

I hope this little diatribe sheds some light for a few of you and helps you

realize that sometimes you are the one people are pointing and talking

about in their cyber corners. Don't be that person. Stand up, practice your

charisma skill and move forward in this virtual reality. All it takes is a

moment of your time to think before you type. You can do it. I know you

have it in you.

© 2011 Wyllo Rogers

Co-Founder/Co-Creator of

All rights reserved. No copies may be made of this article, in whole or in

part, without express written permission by the author. For permission

contact Wyllo Rogers via email: [email protected]