Bending Reality Magazine October 2015 | Page 36

Vulo Anyone?

A Gorean Thanksgiving

By DeGrey

Gorean food and drink is quite varied. Slave girls are trained to serve, prepare and cook a wide variety of foods and recipes. Even free women also learn how to prepare many recipes. Paga kajirae must be familiar with many foods and beverages so that they can properly serve the patrons of the tavern. Some foods and beverages are very similar to Earth ones and others are uniquely Gorean. This scroll shall explain a wide variety of foods and beverages on Gor. This is not an exhaustive list as there are obviously other foods and drinks on Gor which have yet to be described in the novels.

Not all of the food and beverages listed below will be available everywhere on Gor. Some are regional items that would be very rare outside of their place of origin. Not every tavern will stock all of these products. Some items would be too expensive for an average paga tavern to keep on stock such as Falarian wine or black wine. Other items would be so rarely ordered, that a tavern would see little profit in stocking the item. For example, a paga tavern in Thentis would see little need to stock fermented milk curds, a drink of the Wagon Peoples.

There are many types of food on Gor and all women, free and kajirae, learn how to prepare a variety of meals. Trained kajirae especially learn how to prepare intricate meals, many with an alleged aphrodisiac effect. "Sa-Tassna," that literally means "Life-Mother," is the general Gorean word for "meat" though it can also refer to "food" in general.

The most common meats are tabuk, bosk, tarsk and verr. Tarsk is rather salty, like pork. Many of these meats are roasted over an open flame. They are served in a variety of ways. In taverns, cubes of meat may be cooked and served with a variety of sauces for dipping. Sausages are also made with some of these meats. Vulo is the primary type of poultry. At least some of the meat of the vulo is white meat. It too is served in a myriad of ways. Its eggs are also eaten. So, Goreans, this Thanksgiving get ready to chow down on some roasted Vulo with oyster dressing!