Bending Reality Magazine November | Page 64

I have had a chance to see several different shows in Las Vegas, a chance to sit and people watch. Vegas is full of rich, famous, beautiful people as well as your everyday working class and they come from all over the world. There is every kind of ad or store that feeds into an individual’s fantasy of what they should look like or who they should emulate. With the social media of today we are fed thousands of images from magazines, television, and movies as to what people find attractive or sexy. Although for me it raises many questions as to what is beautiful, what makes one person more attractive than the other, why is it so important to some to look like someone else, or have what they feel is the ultimate perfect body? There is a certain perception of what individuals both men and women should look like. If anyone varies from what society considers the norm they are often ridiculed for being different. For individuals that may struggle with weight this can be a blow to their self-esteem. People tend to view others through their own perception and past experiences and often make judgments without the full story.

It is long past the time to be able to stop having a negative body image of self. You may ask how one gets past years of negativity concerning how they feel about self and their sexuality. First of all educate yourself about your family history, this tells much of your body make up and structure, it is a map of who you are. Be sure to check in with your doctor, let them know you want to make some positive changes in your physical well-being. Next make a list of things you really like about yourself, then make a list of things you may not like so well (do be kind to self), then take that list and make positive body image goals for the things you can do something about right away. Something as simple as a haircut, a new pair of clothes or it could be as simple as changing your diet, it is better to eat 6 small healthy meals than 3 large meals a day. Cut out pops, fried foods, eat more fruits, vegetables, cut back on grains, red meat, and drink more water. If it is hard to move due to health issues, then research activities that would suit your limited movements never stop moving if you can help it. To help you feel more secure in your body image have a partner or someone you trust come over and take a series of photos of yourself in various positions, costumes, and or lack of clothing. This gives an individual a chance to view themselves in a different light and perhaps begin to feel very sexy about self. I do recommend keeping a self-discovery journal so that you can record all the things you will discover about yourself as you change. Self-confidence is another key in creating a positive body image of self. Remember the only person in this world that you need to make happy is yourself be happy and confident with who you are. You will find as you go through this journey that you will become less nervous and you will begin to feel sexier. The pictures that I have included are of me during my photo shoot of self-discovery.

Self-Discovery final