Bending Reality Magazine May 2014 | Page 11

By DeGrey

Free women are commonly treated with respect courtesy and honor – especially free women of high station or Caste. Free women on Gor would be considered to possess a greater status than a typical woman of Earth. Free women, especially those of high station are often referred to as “Lady”. Free women may often say what they wish, without anyone’s permission, and many men of Gor will listen to what they have to say. Free women may often be bold, within certain limits. “A free woman is inordinately precious. She is a thousand times, and more, above a mere slave.” (Players of Gor, p.92) “For example, there is no higher person, nor one more respected, than the Gorean free woman.” (Hunters of Gor, p.311)

Free women on GOR fulfill a number of different roles, roles that essentially cannot be filled by female slaves (kajirae). These roles include positions of power, Caste membership, Free Companions (Gorean “wife”) and mothers. These roles are far more important than the role of a slave. Slaves, in general, contribute little to the operation of Gorean society. Though there are work slaves, the primary purpose of the majority of kajirae is for the pleasure of men, a type of luxury. A city could exist without kajirae but not without free women.

Women & Motherhood on GOR