Bending Reality Magazine August 2014 | Page 72

How to Make Play Doh

PART V – The Drama Thickens!

Another comment from another guy, called Newman, appeared on Blackbird’s profile. I looked up his profile and a very romantic comment was on his profile from her. The date of this comment roughly coincided with Blackbird saying that she was so upset that she was going to leave RLC but was still sending similar comments to Terry. Why would she be getting involved with someone new if she was so upset that she intended leaving RLC? I don’t like inconsistencies – to me they stand out like fluorescent jackets at night and I don’t like them.

Closer examination showed that, not only had Blackbird just started to become involved with Newman, but a recent addition to his friend list was none other than Mary_Ann.

A new pattern was beginning to emerge. Maybe Terry (clumsy, cheating liar as he is) was actually a victim of a much cleverer, much more devious mind-bender. I almost felt sorry for him and we shared notes. One note I did make was that he was STILL spending a lot of time with Blackbird. Odd as he had said he was going to stop… (Add “weak willed” to the list of criticisms against him.)

Blackbird had told me that her Zaby was not very well decorated in spite of Terry being quite a competent decorator. I persuaded Terry to take me to the Zaby while Blackbird was away. He did and it was more or less as described, though Terry HAD been working on it. Within seconds Blackbird arrived in the Zaby. Because of time zones, this should have been impossible if she really was at work in the US and unable to come in-world from work (as she had told me earlier). A mini drama ensued in which she pretended to be upset at Terry and said she was “DONE” with him (for the umpteenth time). He left – saying he had to go for his dinner, not unlike like a seven year old caught by a bully. Surprisingly she still seemed friendly towards me! I would certainly not have been friendly towards her if the situation was reversed and I caught my fiancé with a potential rival lover in MY Zaby. Something not quite right here!