BellTime Magazine Autumn/Winter 2016 6 | Page 9

BellTime 6 pt1:Layout 1 23/09/2016 19:59 Page 9 BellTIME I AM INTERESTED IN DOING A FET COURSE. WHERE CAN I GET ADVICE? There are lots of organisations that can provide support and guidance for those interested in doing a FET Course. Education and Training Boards have guidance officers who can provide information and advice. CAN I GET A GRANT FOR DOING A FET COURSE? There are a range of allowance schemes for jobseekers moving from Social Welfare to training or education including the Back to Education Allowance, SUSI – Student Universal Support Ireland and FET Training Allowances. Your local Intreo Office can advise if you are entitled to any allowances whilst on a training course. WHERE CAN I FIND A FET COURSE FOR ME? Over 4,000 Further Education and Training courses can be found in one place - allows learners to access information about Further Education and Training opportunities throughout the country such as Post-Leaving Cert courses, the latest traineeships, back to education initiatives and many more. was developed by SOLAS, the Further Education & Training Authority, in partnership with ETBI and other Further Education and Training providers. Connect with us on Twitter: @fetchcourses 9