BellTime Magazine Autumn/Winter 2016 6 | Page 8

Pointing you in the right direction

fetchcourses . ie

Pointing you in the right direction

Minister for Education and Skills , Richard Bruton TD , Paul O ’ Toole , CEO , SOLAS and students from Sallynoggin College of Further Education at the launch of fetchcourses . ie .
Further Education and Training offers a wide range of interesting accredited courses and is inclusive and accessible to anyone who is over 18 who wants to learn new skills or enhance existing skills to get the right job , progress to third-level or to support the achievement of personal goals .
FET courses , which are delivered through the ETBs , other providers , and online through SOLAS ' eCollege , can make a real difference to the lives of individuals by developing skills and supporting life-long learning , no matter who you are or where you are on your journey including school leavers , career changers , people returning to employment , people with disabilities and older people .
There is a wide range of courses available on a full-time , part-time or online basis .
Full-time courses include Post Leaving Certificate ( PLC ) courses , Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme ( VTOS ), Youthreach , Bridging / foundation courses , Specific Skills Training ( SST ), Traineeship , Community Training Centre ( CTCs ), Specialist Training Providers ( STPs ), and Local Training Initiative ( LTI ).
Part – time courses include Back to Education Initiative ( BTEI ), Adult Literacy , English for Speakers of Other Languages ( ESOL , Skills for Work , evening courses , Blended Learning courses and Community Education .
On-line courses are available through eCollege . At eCollege , all courses are aimed towards three types of people – jobseekers , upskillers and employers . eCollege courses are designed to give a flexible response to the specific skills needs of job ready individuals who require training interventions with certification to assist them to re-enter the labour market .