Belle Vie March Issue 3 Belle Vie March 2018 issue 3 | Page 88

Danielle Parish is a young Black & Filipina women endeavoring to strike out and fully pursue her career in Faith & Fashion. She hopes to imbue her passions and vocations, as if dyeing it with her life’s' experiences of a rich cultural heritage, her spirituality, her creativity and God's heart. She was born in the bay area and raised in Hawaii, and she currently resides in Long Beach, CA.

With her love in Fashion Design and being raised watching Tyra Banks, “America’s Next Top Model,” modeling and the arts have always been a dream of hers. Growing up her daddy would always say, “Pretty is as pretty does…” She knew that inner beauty was nothing without outer beauty. So she works hard to be serve others, sharing love and kindness. One of her goals is to become a philanthropist and serve the homeless.

