Behind the Seams III | Page 18

Baseball Leadership Baseball is truly a reflection of the American society and rich in the meanings of the warp and woof of leadership. What leadership lessons can we pull from America’s pastime? It’s about TEAM I believe more than any other team sport, baseball capitalizes on the influence made by the collection of individuals on the field. A dominant pitcher only plays every few days. The crushing long-ball hitter only appears at the plate on the average of 4-5 times a game. The most successful leaders realize that the whole team is greater than the sum of its members. While it is great to have remarkable talent, it is the whole of the organization working together toward a common vision produces success. Be Prepared for Curve Balls “The only constant is change,” is a well-noted truth. In baseball, one-dimensional fastball hitters won’t last in the majors unless they can hit the deceptive curve or change up. Similarly, great leaders are responsive and adaptable, standing at attention for anything and everything that might surface or surprise. Successful