Behind the Front Door Volume 3, October, 2013. | Page 8

Blake Pope

I've lived in or around Charlotte, NC most of my life. Around the age of nine or ten I started drawing cartoons characters to cure the boredom of being an only child. I remember how it always took me to a different and exciting place in my mind. I loved how the characters changed slightly each time I drew them and how my inspirations to continue drawing did the same.

As I grew up I found music, film, and then photography. Some artists are able to stick with one artistic medium but I've personally never been able to. One week I'm writing songs about love and the next week I've totally forgotten the songs and I'm taking pictures of trash cans and mannequins. I try to embrace how scattered my brain can be and never try to control it. As long as I'm doing something to express myself I'm a happy guy.

I love how personal art can be and how others are able to identify with it…or not. There's a real thrill in letting someone see your art for the first time; that's what keeps me involved whether it be photography, music, film, design, or a really awkward dance in front of my friends. However, photography really has a way of being naturally exciting. Anyone can do it. It's a matter of captured moments so I try and keep it simple like that. I used to carry expensive cameras around with me everywhere I went and now I just use my camera phone most of the time. In my experience the content of a photograph always outweighs the quality.

-Blake Pope