Behind the Front Door Volume 3, October, 2013. | Page 19

My influences more recently come from those who are in my life and artists whom I look up to, far too many to name, but actors, singers, painters, poets, writers… The experiences that I’ve had and have all show up in my art which is why those who surround me and those who I look up to matter so much. It’s funny, actually, people who have been or are close to my heart can look at my art and go, "OH! I know that THAT is and when THAT happened!" or "OH! I know who inspired that!" because everything I create has a piece of those who I’ve loved or lost.

A band I worked with for nearly three years (Airismine) was a big part of the reason that I made my way to the recording studio. They are a hard-core band in New York City and by traveling with them in vans, loading in and out at gigs, being at all the band practices, working at the shows and being there for their growing success, emotionally and physically, it showed me that I had to become more brave and release the work that was building up in my books/journals for years. The dudes in that band will always be family to me and taught me so much about bravery. They definitely gave me the backbone to push myself forward, Ill love and admire them forever for that.

Who inspires you now?

RM: As I said, the people who matter most to me inspire me to do the best I can. My family, my friends and artists whom I look up to. My father is a huge inspiration to my acting and all of my art. He taught me everything I know in regards to photography, drawing and painting. My mother inspires me because of how strong she is, she always pushes me for the better and makes me see that everything will be alright in the end, , I confide in her about everything in my life because