Beating the Drum_Issue 77_2016 | Page 4

October 2016 : Beating Drum Page 4 1. 2. 3. The KPMG, Silo 6 and V&A Waterway House teams (also known as The NMC Triangle in Cape Town) were joined by their colleagues from head office for a very exciting Dragon Boat Race on Friday, 21 October. After a quick crash course in the 'do's and don'ts' of dragon boating the teams took the Waterfront marina by storm. Dragonboat racing is an ancient Chinese tradition, simply put it is a boat with 20 paddlers, a drummer to keep the paddlers in synce and a steers person to guide the boat. As a team sport dragonboat racing encompasses the e l e m e n t s o f p o w e r, synchronization, speed and endurance. These elements were evident when our teams hit the water paddling to the beat of the drum, in one rhythm as one team. Congratulations to the KPMG team who were the heroes of the day, being the first to cross the finish line. Zip Zap Circus, a current client of the NMC Construction Group, hosted a family fun day for all stakeholders involved and affected by the building project. The event was hosted in Cape Town CBD, the current venue used by the Circus for their training and performances. Founded in Cape Town in 1992, Zip Zap Circus is a circus school teaching kids the circus arts. Zip Zap’s vision is to inspire young people and help build a new culture of peaceful coexistence in South Africa. In celebration of the long awaited construction of their new home the Zip Zap students presented a performance showcasing their exceptional talent and all that they have accomplished since joining this amazing initiative. Pictured above are the Zip Zap performers with NMC employees and their families after a day of fun at the circus. The big smiles says it all!