Bead Chat Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 44

LEFT TOP - Beginner work LEFT BOTTOM - Recent work Creative journey Shannon York Wolfe of TheFunkyFeatherSW tells us about her work and creative journey. Being a crafter/creator has always been a big part of who I am. Whether it’s photography, upcycling small home decor pieces or making jewelry? My mind & hands rarely rest! Besides the childhood beaded or braided bracelets? I didn’t really start my serious jewelry making adventure until I was introduced to the world of pinning. Some years prior I had suffered a traumatic loss and was lost in a world of online gaming and surfing the net (I know, pathetic right? Although I did have a pretty awesome farm lol!) then I saw it... Art, Color and Inspiration all wrapped up in one neatly packaged website. HELLO Pinterest and all your loveliness! So it began... As you can tell from my “before” earrings? I had no concept of color combinations or a basic skill set to draw upon, but by watching online tutorials, attending some local classes, determination and LOTS of practice? My road has gotten a lot less bumpy! I could say say I’m embarrassed to share my first creations - but I won’t! Everyone has to start somewhere, even if it’s a place of “what the heck was I thinking?!?! “ It’s a beginning and something much more tangible than a large crop of virtual grapes Stumbling upon Janice Everett’s gorgeous ART Tiles launched me into using handmade artisan components and my love and addictions to Etsy & Facebook has helped me find more amazing artists whose lovely pieces inspire me. Encouragement from family & friends to sell my creations is what nudged me into opening my Facebook Shop in 2013 and how my part-time business evolved. Some people call creating a hobby, work or their job, but for me? It’s a place of sometimes frustrating, often times rewarding and most times a happy place that feeds my heart soul! My current focus is creating my own components with Polymer Clay. Who knows what’s next? The only thing I know for sure is that I’ll be sporting a spiffy pair of ear baubles while doing it!