Be Fearless Framework | Page 7

STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 INSTITUTIONALIZATION Culture: You prioritize and act on strong hypotheses and data rather than waiting for “perfect” information; your board challenges you to make investments that follow these values. Strategy: You establish a cross-sector “steering” or advisory board to advise on program/portfolio strategy. Planning: You allow for less evidence-based grantmaking by investing in solid, logical plans from leaders with strong track records of success (rather than scientific/proven evidence of positive outcomes). Communication: You regularly and publicly celebrate organizational failures or missteps as learning experiences. Measurement: You define how the organization will hold itself publicly accountable to making progress towards its goal. Evaluation: You collaborate with cross-sector partners to develop shared goals and performance measures to hold the broader community and multiple stakeholders accountable for long-term change. Funding: You develop a pooled grant fund with other foundations, government agencies, and/or private sector companies; multiple partners collectively evaluate grant applications. —7­—