Battling BARE's Teal Star: The #PTSD Magazine Volume 2 | Page 6


What dream are you dreaming—and maybe even working towards right now?

Or are you even allowing yourself to dream?

So often, we the foundation of life “as we knew it” is smashed into oblivion due to trauma, we get so focused on “surviving” that we stop dreaming. This happens for many reasons—most especially fear, but you don’t have to stay stuck in all of that. You can choose to conquer that fear and dream again—this is what I call having the dream of dreaming again, and I am challenging you today, if you haven’t had a dream in a while, to adopt this dream as your own.

Having the dream of dreaming again—recapturing my child-like love of life, curiosity for learning and daring to imagine life as I want it to be, just like a child—is truly where my journey of healing began, and, my sweet friends, miracles beyond my wildest imagination have happened since adopting that dream.

So try it, will you?

I dare you.

Have you ever had a dream that was just so huge you weren’t really sure how you were going to get there?

The very idea of the enormity of the dream made your stomach do somersaults and maybe your knees went a little weak?

I think many of us—if not all of us—have had dreams like that. And just as many of us have experienced a time when we set out to accomplish some enormous dream and things ended up very differently that we planned.

Looking back over the course of our dreams, it is really easy to forget the time that passed between the dream popping into our heads as “some crazy idea” and when that dream either became a reality or evolved into some other dream. It’s so very easy to forget or glaze over the emotional roller coaster that we go through while we are working towards turning our dream into a reality…like the pain of childbirth we just somehow forget…and then when we find ourselves back on the emotional roller coaster of dream building—or even just living life—because we’ve forgotten all about the rides we’ve taken before, the experience is like it’s the first time all over again.

Additionally, it takes some time to build up momentum with our dream. Those first steps are so very challenging and it is sometimes so very tempting to throw in the towel and just say “forget it!” because all big dreams require us to grow and become an even better version of ourselves than we currently are. The process of growing means we must step outside of our comfort zone—which is merely the border of the reality that we’ve known—face our fear of the unknown and keep moving forward…picking up momentum along the way, until we are finally rolling along like a steam train towards our dream.





Love with PASSION!

Live with PEACE!

Dare to DREAM...for YOU are worthy of everything you desire and so much more!

I love you!

-Jeannie & Ash


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