Bass Musician Magazine - SPECIAL August 2013 Latin Issue | Page 82

BMM Tell us about that very drummers, guitar players and first day you had a bass in your pianists as well. Having said hands. that, as far as bassists, I would mention Jaco Pastorious, Ron JB ...It felt very good. For me to Carter, Paul Chamber, Jimmy had both rhythm and harmony Garrison, Dave Holland, Israel in the same instrument was “Cachao” López, Anthony very natural and fun because Jackson, Jeff Andrews, James I started playing gospel music Jammerson, Marcus Miller, with percussion as well as Ray Brown, Bobby Valentin, guitar! Andy Gonzales, Eddie Guagua Rivera, Carlos del Puerto BMM As a bassist born in Latin (senior), Salvador Cuevas, America, do you find this to be among others. an advantage or disadvantage? BMM How do you define the JB For me it is an advantage music style you play? to be born in Latin America, because there are a lot of bass JB It is really hard to say that I traditions in Latin American play one style. I’m a Latino artist rhythms and melodies. and I have been raised with dance music, therefore I love BMM What are your main rhythms, melodies and harmony. musical and bass influences? I try to find this three elements in any kind of music that I play JB I’m influenced not only by bass players, but also BASSMUSICIANMAGAZINE.COM : AUG 2013 as long as the music grooves.