Bass Musician Magazine - SPECIAL August 2013 Latin Issue | Page 73

able to extract and rescue all The result of that ‘Coffee test’ that information and add it to our was that I fell absolutely in love essential identity, that will give us with coffee. When I arrived in the sufficient dose of distinction Santiago I immediately bought an and uniqueness that will prevent espresso machine. Two months us from being that stereotypical, later I designed and built a whole foreign musician that plays coffee bar for my living room. music from his native region that Next I bought a second coffee you have seen 1000’s of times. machine (Nespresso), then a That’s too easy... Instead embody French press coffee maker, then creativeness and hard work, as an Italian boiling style coffee this will help you to achieve much maker, a grinder, tons of different more. cups and all the coffee gadgets From traveling, I have tons you can imagine. of stories stored in my soul and From day one I started to would like to share a short one study about coffee like crazy and that happened in 2011, while bring home the finest, whole- touring in South America with grain coffee from every country the great US keyboardist David I’ve visited during the last two Garfield. We were in Buenos years, and continue doing so. I Aires and he invited me for an have coffee bags from almost 30 espresso coffee. I said, “No different countries and places. thanks, I don’t drink coffee, I’ve After emptying these bags I fill never done it.” He commented, them very nicely with cotton and “This will be your first time, make place them on a cool rack on my me the honor, I don’t want to coffee bar as if they were some drink coffee alone.” To which I kind of trophies (laughing). When replied, “Well, let’s try it, why I look back I say, “Well boy I’m not.” certainly an OCD being, no doubt AUG 2013 : BASSMUSICIANMAGAZINE.COM