Bass Musician Magazine - 8th Anniversary Issue with Stu Hamm | Page 78

GEARREVIEW By Jon Moody Expanding Hands Finger Bow Many of my fellow theatre musicians will attest that in many circumstances, we’re always making some sort of concession to fit in small theatre pits. In some cases it could be playing both upright and electric bass parts on just one instrument (usually the electric), or in the case of playing a show that calls for upright bass, not bringing a bow. It’s not that we don’t want to bow; we do. But the real estate needed to pull a standard bow (we’re not getting into the German vs. French bow camp at this point) is such that oftentimes the arco parts are just met with a sigh. It was one of these times (theatre run for “Crazy for You”) that I turned to the trumpet player and said “Wouldn’t it be awesome if there was a bow that was just about 12 inches long? You could get the needed sound and save the headache of smacking you in the face with the frog.” And then the next day, I saw a press release from Expanding Hands Music (known in the bass world as the distributor of the Tony Levin Funk Fingers) for the Finger Bow; a small bow that attaches to | 08.15 your ring finger, allowing you to instantly switch between arco and pizz techniques on the string bass. From the website, “The bow is 10 3/8” long, and made of lightweight and resonate poplar wood. It is not intended to replace a traditional longer bow but to be a new tool for creative expression.” Without a second thought, I immediately placed an order for a black one (they also come in natural). I was sold.