Bass Digest August 2014 Issue 10 | Page 31

Article & Images by Fran Myers

Before talking about my trip to Africa, I want to discuss one thing Mr. Perry wrote in this article:


A fish can be caught by mostly anyone, mostly any place, on mostly anything, and by mostly any method. However, if you desire to catch more and bigger fish CONSISTENTLY and get satisfaction from the effort, you will not be accomplished if you go about it in a haphazard manner.

Many people, including

myself found Spoon

plugging because we

were so frustrated with

our fishing that we really

didn’t know what else to

do. A lot of us thought we

were pretty good fisherman.

We'd buy every new lure, electro-

nics, etc… and nothing made a diffe-

rence. Along with all that expense, we'd

watch all the fishing shows, all the tournaments,

buy all the magazines, hell we'd even rent guides to show us where to fish and our fishing didn’t improve.

Spoon-plugging has given me the knowledge to feel confident that I can go anywhere and have a very good chance to catch some fish. Whether it’s an inland lake, a river, a reservoir, one of our Great Lakes, and even to SOUTH AFRICA.

There is nothing easy about Spoon-plugging. The more you read, the more experience you get the more you understand how lucky we fisherman are to have a Buck Perry who shared his knowledge.

Lastly, I don’t want to tell people Spoon-plugging isn’t difficult. It is however, and I don’t want anyone to think you have to read 5000 pages of text, sell your bass boat, stop competing in tournaments, and start trolling, then wait years before you notice any improvement in your fishing. Because that’s NOT true at all.

I am a bit of a numb headed guy. I did very little correct the first few years I Spoon-plugged. But by the third day of just “TRYING” to do things right by following proven Guidelines, I had already caught more big fish than I had in my entire life. I was a VERY poor fisherman and I am sure all of you are better now than I was when I started fishing.

Now a lot of people have issues with trolling. That actually goes back to Mr. Perry but thats a story for later. If you don’t troll you can still make REMARKABLE changes in your catching. You would have to decide to add trolling to your technique bag to reach your fullest potential as a fisherman, but ANYONE who makes some slight changes to their techniques can greatly improve.

August 19, 2014 - I am coming to Africa! Wow!

What an adventure. It's all I have been talking about to anyone who asks me anything whether it's about computers, telephones, or fishing. I am sure it's annoying.

Airline tickets were purchased, passport renewed, accommodations paid for, boat arranged (had to buy two boats...long story), reels, line, lures, plug knocker, etc...Literally everything a Spoon-plugger needs is in Africa now because I sent the stuff there over the last 4 months. The new 4-Stroke motor is broke in, the Lowrance Sounders are installed and tested. Hell there's even a stereo...

Howard Johnson, who shares DNA with me, has organised and set everything up. He's been juicing the situation with stories about man-eating crocodiles, cannibals, and we are really getting excited.

If we hear of any action, we might go Saltwater Fishing for a half day. We are going game viewing for a few days. To tell you the truth, when I heard about the game viewing I bought the airline ticket.

Bass Digest/August, 2014