Badassery Magazine | Page 9

4. A fake badass is quiet | a real badass speaks up The truth is, the fake badass doesn’t have the answer, so they have to be quiet for fear of looking like an idiot. A real badass really could give two licks if they’re wrong, because they have been wrong before and they’re okay with it. A true badass just knows when to “speak up” and when not to. A fake badass is loud when they FINALLY have a damn thing to say, and it may sound pretty over the top. 5. A real badass makes it about “us” | A fake badass makes it about “me” This is also the definition of a persuader vs. a manipulator (thank you Bob Burg) A real badass isn’t winning unless those around them are also winning. Therefore, the real badass tends to make it about “us.” The only time the real badass won’t do this is when they’ve gotten “burned.” A fake badass is really only about themselves. They make sure everyone knows how badass they are, how exclusive they are and how unstoppable they are...without you. badass has one of two things going on. One, they have NOTHING going on and they have to generate interest by being mysterious. Two, they are plotting to unleash some type of fire on their target. The faker knows that people are inspired by rebels, but be prepared, you won’t be invited to join that club. (we wear pink on Wednesday) The real badass tells you to wear pink on Wednesday and let’s you borrow their jacket! You see, a real badass knows the value of an allegiance and isn’t threatened by people who can do (enter super skill here) better than them. 7. A real badass embraces weakness | a fake badass rejects weakness A real badass might embrace weakness because they have learned some good lessons from being weak themselves. They tend to run straight at what pains them so they can get it over with. The fake badass will evade, deflect and even ignore confrontation because they know they have likely had a role in creating the conflict. No one likes to be wrong, but a real badass will seek communication and understanding, whereas the fake badass will seek a hiding place until everyone forgets. 6. A fake badass is untouchable | a real badass is approachable A fake badass likes to play things mysterious so they can keep people interested in them. The fake “ A real badass isn’t winning unless those around them are also winning. 8